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January 16, 2025

NEFI Technology Talk: Utilisation of Industrial Waste Heat

  • Event
by Oxana Schmidt

January 16, 2025


09.30 - 13.00 o'clock


Park Inn Hotel, Hessenplatz 16/18, 4020 Linz


NEFI, OÖ Energiesparverband


Participation is free of charge. The Technology Talk will be conducted in German. Registration is open until January 10, 2025 (please note: limited number of participants)


In many companies, there are untapped heat sources that can be utilized with innovative solutions to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and lower CO2 emissions.

The NEFI Technology Talk "Industrial Waste Heat Utilisation" by the OÖ Energiesparverband highlights opportunities for using waste heat within companies – for production processes, space heating and cooling, or hot water preparation.

This event provides an overview of various waste heat sources and their technical utilisation options. A key focus is placed on examples of implemented projects from different industries, as well as information on current funding opportunities.

The NEFI Technology Talks are a series of events addressing current technical and systemic issues related to the industrial energy transition.



Moderation: Christine Öhlinger | OÖ Energiesparverband


Welcome and Opening

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Upper Austrian Companies

Gerhard Dell | OÖ Energiesparverband

New Energy for Industry

Christiane Egger | OÖ Energiesparverband/Cleantech-Cluster Energie

Overview of Waste Heat Recovery in Industry

Julia Vopava-Wrienz | Montanuniversität Leoben

Industrial Waste Heat Recovery – International Examples

René Hofmann | TU Wien

Cascading Use of Operational Waste Heat

Thomas Führer | STIWA

Coffee Break

Energy Subsidies for Companies

Erik Strumpf | Kommunalkredit Public Consulting

Waste Heat Utilisation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Karl Lummerstorfer | Energieinstitut

Wastewater Heat Recovery for Fibre Production

Klaus Matheis-Weiß | Lenzing AG

Heat Recovery With Heat Pump in the Kirchdorf Cement Plant

Alexander Hofbauer | Siemens AG

Operational Waste Heat for the Processing of Secondary Raw Materials

Jürgen Secklehner | Seccon


End of the Event | Snacks


Participation in the event is free of charge. Secure your free ticket today: Energiesparverband OÖ: Online Registration.

We look forward to welcoming you.