

The NEFI_Lab innovation laboratory provides the platform for successful cooperation between Austrian industry, renowned research institutions and the general public in order to implement research projects within the NEFI_Lab innovation process.

NEFI_Lab is under the direction of the Chair of Energy Network Technology at the University of Leoben. The partners AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the Energy Saving Association of Upper Austria and the Upper Austrian Business Location Agency contribute many years of experience in the internationalisation of innovative energy technologies. NEFI_Lab is supported by the federal states of Upper Austria and Styria, among others.

The E.Factory Lab of the OÖ Energiesparverband aims to interest students in schools in the industrial energy transition to combat the shortage of skilled staff in industry and research.
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The Energy Systems Lab is located at the Chair of Energy Network Technology at Montanuniversität Leoben and aims to be a demonstration, innovation and education center for industrial energy systems.
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SES – Stakeholder Enabling Space
The Stakeholder Enabling Space at Business Upper Austria supports the brainstorming and development of innovative as well as ongoing projects for the implementation of industrial decarbonization. For this purpose, an innovation space equipped with state-of-the-art technology as well as a NEFI_Lab toolbox will be implemented at TECHCENTER Linz, which will be available to all sub-project partners and stakeholders for the NEFI_Lab innovation process. Overall, existing and newly created physical and virtual innovation spaces will be networked to create one large innovation space for all NEFI innovation fields. The innovation space is intended to accelerate technological and systemic innovation development, as well as to assist in idea generation, development and further development of existing projects.

Participation & Awareness

To achieve the ambitious NEFI goals, NEFI_Lab integrates all relevant stakeholders into the innovation process. Representatives from industry, politics, education and research work together on projects and at the same time benefit from the gained insights and successes on this path. Defined frameworks such as Open Cycles, Living Labs as well as other formats for open exchange between all stakeholders and NEFI provide the platform for establishing contacts, discussing ideas for achieving climate goals in the industrial sector and implementing project plans.

Technology & Innovation Policies

The NEFI_Lab is a link between industry, science and politic, NEFI_Lab supports the design and further development of the regulatory framework and the corresponding funding programs by collecting and processing inputs and information from all accompanied stakeholders.