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The project Energy Demand Control System – PROcess Optimization For industrial low temperature systems (EDCSproof) develops a future concept for the decarbonisation of industrial energy supply systems through the opportunities offered by digitalisation.
The focus is on online, predictive and holistic, reconfigurable control for industrial energy supply systems, which should enable the integration of renewable energies in four areas

  1. use of (thermal) energy storage

  2. flexible consumers for electricity networks (demand side management taking into account dynamic tariffs)

  3. efficiency through optimum control of the entire system

  4. utilization of waste heat by using high temperature heat pumps

The concept is optimised in the laboratory, the scalability and applicability for different industrial sectors will be defined in a techno-economic and ecological evaluation.

Overview of Targets

  • Integration of renewables by energy storage systems
  • Waste heat use through High temperature heat pumps (< 150 °C)
  • Online, predictive and holistic, reconfigurable control concept
  • Flexible industrial participants in power grids

„The expected project outcome is a broadly applicable, cross-sectoral energy concept for subsequent implementation at the locations of the project partners and for a large majority of companies. The energy efficiency and thus the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry will be increased, the share of renewable energies shall be promoted, and Austria’s pioneering role will be strengthened.“

Bernd Windholz
Project manager EDCSproof,
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH


  1. Data acquisition completed
  2. Basic energy supply system, model structure and interfaces defined
  3. Component models developed
  4. Overall model developed
  5. Storage and heat pump set up/integrated and characterized in the laboratory
  6. Control concept (hardware/software) ready for Implementation
  7. Functional test of the control concept carried out at the AIT laboratory
  8. Human-machine interface ready
  9. Control of the entire system implemented and tested
  10. Total system tested with representative operating scenarios
  11. Techno-economic-ecological evaluation is available

Industry4Redispatch (I4RD) is one year old – the highlights

12. May 2022

A growing need for redispatch is given above all by the integration of fluctuating renewable generation and the progressive integration of the European electricity grids. The I4RD project, launched in April 2021, makes an important contribution to the energy transition as it develops innovative grid-supporting solutions.

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NEFI Power Women for the Decarbonisation of Industry

08. March 2022

Despite numerous efforts to promote and address the issue, the proportion of women in technical professions remains low. During the week of the International Women’s Day, the NEFI Innovation Network will highlight successful female technicians. They are NEFI project managers or are pushing the decarbonisation of industry with their know-how and expertise.

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EDCSproof user study is looking for participants!

02. December 2020

The AIT Center for Technology Experience is looking for participants for a user study. This is carried out online via web conference system and takes about 90 minutes. Interested parties should work in the field of industrial production (e.g. site management, energy officers, production management, innovation management).

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Project management
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Project manager
Bernd Windholz
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Key facts
Running time:
10/18 – 12/21
Project volume:
€ 1.591.463
CO₂-savings potential:
of 350.000 tones in Austria per year
Project overview