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„For the increased use of renewable energy, the electricity grid needs digitalised and networked systems for a system-serving management of flexibilities. The target of the project Industry4Redispatch is the control of industrial energy supply systems to make optimal use of flexibilities. In the project all relevant stakeholders are working together to develop both systemic and technical solutions for the industrial energy system.“
The flagship project Industry4Redispatch (I4RD) is a key project of the model region NEFI – New Energy for Industry. Within the project lifetime of I4RD innovative grid support solutions will be developed to (i) provide flexibility from the demand and supply side at the distribution network level for redispatch and (ii) demonstrate an online, predictive and holistic control concept for industrial energy supply systems that optimises a company’s market participation while securing its energy supply. With this approach industry can take part in redispatch. It also promotes technological development within the NEFI community, as it makes an important contribution to the central NEFI innovation fields of digitalisation and flexibilisation of industry.
The primary target of I4RD is to enable the provision of flexibility from industrial plants for redispatch. Therefore, within the framework of the project, all necessary technical, regulatory, economic and organisational prerequisites for the implementation of redispatch requirements, the necessary interaction and optimisation and control between transmission system operators (TSO) and distribution system operators (DSO) will be investigated.
All relevant actors are working closely together to find an integrated solution for industry automation and optimisation. The content involves establishing it as a coordination process between the TSO and the DSOs, developing a new type of redispatch module based on standardised requirements and demonstrating a proof-of-concept. The target of the module is to use unused flexibility of industrial customers for the provision of redispatch in compliance with the DSO requirements.
The integrated redispatch concept is tested by several demonstrations at different industrial plants located in the distribution network. This allows industrial customers showing different levels of automation system maturity to be addressed efficiently. This provides the basis for future engagement of different industrial sectors.
As a result, there will be a step-by-step guide for transforming a conventional, existing industrial energy supply system into a more flexible, decarbonised, optimally operated system, as well as the guidelines for the TSO-VNB coordination process.
29. January 2025
International recognition for NEFI Expert from AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: Tara Esterl, project lead of the NEFI project Industry4Redispatch, has been honored as the winner in the "Female Innovator" category of the Mission Innovation Net-Zero Industries Awards 2024. The Mission Innovation Net-Zero Industries Award (NIM Award) recognises outstanding companies and individuals who drive industrial decarbonisation with pioneering approaches, highlighting their innovative contributions.
More information21. January 2025
The research project Industry4Redispatch (I4RD) has reached a significant milestone with the successful execution of a large-scale demonstration. During this demonstration, redispatch activation was tested at four Austrian industrial sites. Participants in the test phase included major companies such as MONDI and voestalpine Stahl, as well as medium-sized enterprises like Wiesbauer Wien and a “Virtual Power Plant” (VPP) operated by Siemens and Energie Kompass, where multiple facilities were pooled to collectively provide flexibility.
More information18. April 2024
On April 10th 2024, the NEFI Technology Talk took place as part of the oö Zunkunftsforum Zukunftsforum Oberösterreich (= Future Forum of the region Upper Austria), bringing together more than 50 participants to discuss the challenge of stable electricity grids despite fluctuating energy generation.
More information13. March 2024
Austria is facing a major challenge at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a balance between constantly growing energy demand and the need for a renewable energy supply in our electricity grids. In order to tackle this urgent problem, we would like to present innovative solutions and cordially invite you to the NEFI Technology Talk, which will take place this time as part of the Zukunftsforum Oberösterreich.
More information26. January 2024
Under the motto "EUROPE'S ENERGY FUTURE - Secure, Affordable, Clean?!," the 18th Symposium Energy Innovation will take place at Graz University of Technology from February 14 to 16, 2024. Over 220 speakers and participants will discuss current energy-related issues at Graz University of Technology and present solutions to the challenges of the future in the energy sector.
More information19. January 2022
Industry is a major energy consumer in Austria, and at the same time the self-production of electricity, especially from renewables, is increasingly being expanded.
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