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NEFI Lab:InToPublic

by Oxana Schmidt

University of Leoben is currently building up the NEFI Lab:InToPublic , which is based on the “Hardware in the Loop – HiL” approach. This makes it possible to combine novel energy supply and consumption technologies and flexible components as hardware depending on the task at hand. In the field of industrial energy system technology, this approach represents an innovative way to research into complex (hybrid) energy systems.

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Waste water treatment plant as energy Hub and Resource Supplier

by Oxana Schmidt

The online seminar series will be continued due to the vivid interest on September 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m . More information on registration and topics is to follow soon.

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NEFI Industry Dialogue Sessions – Direct interviews to design the szenario development of NEFI

by Oxana Schmidt

In the past quarter, rounds of interviews were held with representatives from various industrial sectors on the overall picture of the industrial energy system in Austria. The results of the individual interviews show first approaches for the decarbonisation of industry “Made in Austria”.

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Process design to reduce CO₂ emissions in steel production

by Oxana Schmidt

The NEFI-project „OxySteel“, directed by Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Dock, is concerned with increasing energy efficiency in electric steel production. The process layout is used to explain how CO₂ emissions can be reduced by using new technologies.
It deals with the question to what extent new technologies and demand side management measures can be used to increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy sources in electric steel production.

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Online industry scenario workshop is currently in round three: 15 Interviews in the new format so far

by Oxana Schmidt

The measures based on COVID-19 resulted in a new and now successful model for the planned industry scenario workshop.

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Research Project SANBA – Test drilling started

by Oxana Schmidt

NEFI Research project SANBA, with a focus on low-temperature networks, also called anergy systems, is one of the largest research projects that have so far been carried out in the urban area of Baden.

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